
2013年10月14日 星期一


除了信徒內心的操練外,社會和政治上的勢力不斷打擊及沾染信徒的生潔生命。如諾克斯的慨嘆:「我們可以斷言有訐多果樹是當果子成熟之前即被毀壞了......被專制暴力所摧殘,......有的為暴風雨所擊打,再有的被害蟲或毒泉所毒害」。因此,Owen 也就這方面有以下提醒:
“ The world is a present in a mighty hurry, and being
 in many places cut off from all foundations of
steadfastness, it make the minds of men giddy with its
 revolutions, or disorderly in the expectations of
them......hence men walk and talk as if the world were
 all, when comparatively it is nothing. and when men
 come with their warmed affections, reeking with
thoughts of these things, unto the performance of or
attendance unto any spiritual duty, it is very
difficult for them, if not impossible, to stir up any
 grace unto a due and vigorous exercise.”

“ Efforts to build a Christian society, one in which
 godly piety and faith were its hallmarks, inevitably
 paved the way for a form of moralism......More
seriously, the rise of moralism in Puritan theology
jeopardized the purity of the gospel. ”

